
May 2-4, 2025 • Westin Harbour Castle

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More details for this event will be announced shortly. Please check back soon.

Hotel Information

Hotel information will be announced when available.

Please note that additional fees and other conditions may apply – including but not limited to additional tax and parking fees, as well as cut-off dates and times. Please contact the hotel directly for further information. OTF will be sure to have final schedules sent to studios in time to make changes to your room.

The Westin Harbour Castle

1 Harbour Square Toronto, Ontario M5J 1A6
1-888 627 8559 •
Rates: From $379/night + applicable taxes
Booking Reference (for Phone Bookings): OT5 or state you are with “On the Floor Dance Competition”
Booking Link:

Additional Hotel Information:
Booking cut-off date is April 1, 2025